By Nancy Campbell on Monday, 20 May 2024
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


What kind of children are you raising? What kind of laborers does God want us to faithfully prepare for His service? The following is what I long for our children, grandchildren, and future generations. Wow, we certainly have a full-time career, don’t we? We will never have a moment to be bored!

Baby lovers
Blessing imparters
Bible believers
Bible lovers
Bible obeyers
Committed laborers in God’s harvest
Courageous overcomers
Demon destroyers
Diligent workers
Evil haters
Faithful servers
Fearless soldiers
Family lovers
Freedom fighters
Fruit bearers
God fearers
God lovers
God pleasers
God worshippers
Gospel preachers
Holy Spirit empowered witnesses
Home lovers
Israel supporters
Jesus fanatics
Justice keepers
Life choosers
Light shiners
Liberal threateners
Obedient listeners
Overcoming conquerors
Parent honorers
Persecution endurers
Prayer warriors
Responsible citizens
Sharp arrows
Tomorrow’s leaders
Truth bearers
Truth keepers
Truth lovers
Truth preservers
Truth seekers
Truth speakers
Righteousness lovers
Uncompromising disciples
Valiant warriors
Wisdom getters and
Zealous servants of the Living God!
Have a wonderful day as you raise godly children for His kingdom,
Nancy Campbell
P.S. You may have some other goals to add to the list. Please share.