By Nancy Campbell on Thursday, 15 October 2015
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Did you notice the comment from Renee Fogg with the post below, “Are you living in the bitterness of unforgiveness or the freedom of forgiveness? I’ll post it here for you in case you missed it. It is encouraging.

“Forgiveness does NOT mean:
a) you're down-playing what happened,
b) you're acting as though it didn't happen at all,
c) you're acting as though it didn't really matter,
d) that they are "off the hook." They are accountable to God.

Forgiveness IS:
a) Getting YOURSELF "off the hook," because unforgiveness gives Satan "hookholds" to harm you and others so much.
b) Positioning yourself closer back to the Lord's side, because unforgiveness is sin. It comes between us and our Good Shepherd, a dangerous place to be. "Sin, when it is finished, brings forth death."
c) It leaves the offending party's offense at the Lord's throne, where only He can deal perfectly with it. We will only botch it up! We are not God.
d) It frees us from terrible bitterness which "defiles many," and only wastes away years of your life, which should instead be spent serving and glorifying the Lord.
e) It sets the Godly example for who knows how many generations to follow.

Do not be as the "unforgiving servant." Instead, forgive as He has forgiven YOU. There is nothing anyone could do to you that is worse than the sin God forgave YOU for.

And do not forget to "Pray for your enemies," in the hopes of their receiving forgiveness. The Holy Spirit is ready and willing to empower us to do so, for the Lord has commanded it. Our Father God knows best and He loves us far more than we love ourselves.”

~ Renee Fogg