By Nancy Campbell on Wednesday, 20 July 2022
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Paul wrote to Timothy recalling "Your sincere faith that first LIVED in your grandmother Lois, and then in your mother Eunice" (1 Timothy 1:5 HSCB) No wonder Timothy not only believed God's Word but walked in it. The heritage was passed on. His grandmother and mother not only believed, but their faith affected every part of their lives. It lived in them.

We can have all the talk, but unless our children see our faith living and working out in the circumstances of everyday life, it will not really affect their lives. Is your faith a living faith that affects your actions and attitudes in the home? Do your children see that your faith is real? Are you passing on the baton?
It's not just a head knowledge of truth, but the reality of Christ living in you (Colossians 1:27). Let His life LIVE in and through you today.
May you have a lovely day in your home,
Nancy Campbell