By Nancy Campbell on Saturday, 01 June 2013
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


We are still finding more things that God wants us to have MORE of and to do MORE of. We need to remind ourselves each new day that this is MORE AND MORE life. Anything less is not the normal Christian life.

MORE reigning in life (Romans 5:17).

Through the power of Christ indwelling us, we can reign over all situations we face. We don't have to go under. God wants us to REIGN IN LIFE. We cannot do it in our own strength, but because Christ dwells in us.

MORE rejoicing (Luke 15:7; 2 Corinthians 7:13 and Philippians 1:26).

Not less rejoicing, but MORE rejoicing. Rejoice in all the little things that happen in your life each day. Rejoice with your husband. Rejoice with your children and teach them how to rejoice. Don't let anything go without rejoicing about it.

MORE searching the Scriptures (Acts 17:11; 18:26 and Hebrews 2:1).

The Bible tells us that the Bereans were MORE noble than the Thessalonicans because they "searched the Scriptures daily." They didn't do it out of sufferance, but with "great eagerness." We can't do too much searching of the Scriptures. The Scriptures are not just for Sunday but for every day of the week in our home.

MORE serving (1 Corinthians 15:10; 9:19; 2 Corinthians 11:23-28 and Revelation 2:19).

We get plenty of opportunity to serve in our exalted role of wife and mother. don't we? Let's not serve with boredom or resignation, but with joy and a MORE AND MORE attitude.

MORE value (Matthew 10:31; Luke 12:6-7).

Even though God is so high, He cares for the little sparrows. However, He reminds us that we are of MORE value than them. Dear mother, God is watching over every little incident that happens in your home. Cast all your cares upon Him, the big and the little. He is caring for you MORE than you realize.

Love from Nancy Campbell