By Nancy Campbell on Tuesday, 12 June 2018
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


We usually think of food being only for the body, but the Bible tells us that food is also for our hearts. Acts 14:17 tells us that God loves to fill our HEARTS with food and gladness. He doesn’t even mention our bodies.

I think we need to starting thinking like God thinks, don’t you?

The Passion translation says: “For he blesses us with rain from heaven and seasons of fruitful harvests, and he nourishes us with food to meet our needs. He satisfies our lives, and EUPHORIA fills our hearts.” Is this translation getting a little carried away? No. The Greek word for “gladness” in the KJV is “euphrosune.”

Euphoria is associated with the hormone oxytocin and it is well known that we release oxytocin (joy, happiness, and love) when we sit at a table to eat and fellowship with others.

Therefore, dear mother, as you think about what you will prepare for your family this evening, don’t only think about their bodies. Think about their hearts. Think about how to make your table a place that will draw your family to the table. Think about things you could talk about at the table that will release joy, laughter, and happiness. Think about how you could enjoy a little euphoria. Maybe you could ask each one to share the funniest thing that has happened to them this last week.

As persons made of body, soul, and spirit we hunger for more than physical food. We hunger for nourishment for our soul. David confesses in Psalm 63:5: “My SOUL shall be satisfied with marrow and fatness.”

He’s talking about his inner man. He wants to satisfy it with marrow. Do you know what marrow is? Have you ever sucked marrow out of a bone? Most people haven’t today, but we grew up doing this. There’s nothing like marrow. We all competed to get the bone with the marrow. It is so rich and satisfying. But we need marrow for our souls as well as our bodies. Psalm 107:9 says: He satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness.”

And our spirits hunger too. Does your spirit cry out to be fed? I long for spiritual food. Don’t let the spirits of your children starve each day. Make sure you give them a nourishing portion of God’s Word at your table this evening.

Much love,

Nancy Campbell

Painting: The Dining Room (oil on canvas), Ryder, Susan (b.1944) / Private Collection / Courtesy of Manya Igel Fine Arts, London / Bridgeman Images

Although I am sure you’ll have more around your table than this table shows.