By Nancy Campbell on Thursday, 08 January 2015
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


One of the Scriptures in our Bible reading at Family Devotions this morning was Jeremiah 9:3 (if you use THE DAILY LIGHT as we do, you would have read the same Scripture). It talks about being VALIANT for the truth. We commented that this is not a word that is used very much these days. Maybe because there are not so many valiant people around. We are more prone to be wimpy, pampering to the flesh, doing what feels good rather than disciplining our lives, and giving in to the status quo rather contending for truth. The NLT says: "They refuse to stand up for the truth." And Isaiah 59:14,15 tells us that truth has fallen and failed!

I think we need a revival of being VALIANT for the truth, don't you? How can this happen? It starts with each one of us individually, and then as a family. We dare not compromise regarding truth. With each little compromise we become weaker in the faith. Each time we stand up for the truth we become stronger in our inner man.

I believe it is important to confess the truth. When you speak it out, the truth becomes cemented in your soul. The more you speak it out, them more it becomes part of you. And the more it becomes part of you, the less you will be intimidated by what others say and think. Lies and deception will run off you like water off a duck's back. However, when you stay silent, you are in danger of being influenced by deception. You become insipid and you are no longer the salt in the earth.

Come on, ladies, no more sickly silence. Let's be VALIANT women for the truth, and lets raise children who are valiant for the truth.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell