By Nancy Campbell on Friday, 21 March 2014
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


We belong to an unshakeable kingdom, a kingdom that will never end. If we belong to an unshakeable kingdom, surely we should be unshakeable, too. Unmovable! Unwavering. Steadfast. Resolute. Unflinching.

Unshakeable in our commitment to God and His unfailing Truth. Unshakeable in our commitment to building a godly family and dynasty. Unmoved by the deceptions all around us. Unflinching in our purpose.

Hebrews 12:28-29 says, "Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear: for our God is a consuming fire."

Blessings from Nancy Campbell