By Nancy Campbell on Monday, 29 October 2018
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Last night, on the way home from our Above Rubies Family Retreat in Pennsylvania, we went to the movie GOSNELL: The Trial of America’s Biggest serial Killer. It is a powerful drama that every person should see. It is well-produced and well-acted. It doesn’t show horrific pictures of aborted babies but the exposure of murder at the trial comes through loud and clear.

Please try and get to this movie. One, because it is imperative you see it. Two, because by going to the movie you are a voice for life and righteousness. When we stay home, we are silent.

We didn’t think we would get to see this movie. It is only showing in selected movie theaters. It played in the AMC theaters in our area but was soon stopped. We were glad to find that it was still playing at the Regal Hollywood at 100 Oaks Mall in Nashville and made the effort to go. It may not be playing for much longer.

It was tragic. Not only was the subject of the movie tragic. But there were only four of us in the theater. Where are God’s people who will be a voice? I know it can be a sacrifice to go. It costs money. Money we often don’t have. But we are not spending money for pleasure, but to stand up for life.

You may have to travel. Even if you must travel an hour and a half, it’s worth it. You are standing on God’s side. You are not hiding in your silent cave. God says in His Word: “OPEN THY MOUTH for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction. OPEN THY MOUTH, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy” (Proverbs 31:8, 9).

Go to to find the nearest theater to you. If it is still playing within an hour or two of where you live, go. If it’s not on, call your theater and ask why. Most AMC theaters have pulled it. You can call their head office at 913 213 2000 and complain. The liberals do not want people to see this movie.

A pro-choicer said these words: “If Christians really thought abortion was murder, it wouldn’t be legal any more.” We are complicit with evil when we do nothing.

Albert Einstein said: “The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.”

Blessings from Nancy Campbell