By Nancy Campbell on Thursday, 10 December 2020
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Do you want to be ruled by Communist China? This will be inevitable with a Biden/Harris presidency.

Please take a stand to prove an honest election and that all voter fraud be examined by the Supreme Court.
Daniel 11:32: “The people that do know their God shall be strong and TAKE ACTION.”
1. ALL TENNESSEANS, please call Governor Lee at 615 741 2001 and leave a message to encourage him to join the Texas lawsuit. As you most probably know, Attorney General Ken Paxton of Texas is filing a federal election lawsuit against the states he rightfully claims have violated federal election requirements for the presidential election. Paxton filed his lawsuit in the U.S. Supreme Court against the states of Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Other states are joining with Ken Paxton.
If your state has not yet joined, please contact your governor to ask him to join.
2. ALL TENNESSEANS, call Tennessee Attorney General, Herbert Slatery at 615 741 3491 to ask him to make sure Tennessee is joining the lawsuit. All other states, please contact your Attorney General.
3. Everyone, please call the Supreme Court at 202 479 3011. Choose Option 5 for the Clerk’s office. Leave a message to please take up the presidential election case for the saving of our nation.