By Nancy Campbell on Monday, 15 April 2019
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Dear ladies, Are you praying? To be more specific, are you praying for our nation? I am increasingly aware that we are in a fight to save our nation.

The homosexual agenda is entrenching it’s way into our schools to educate our nation’s children that this lifestyle is normal and to be desired. I have talked with teachers who are mandated to honor students who change to the opposite gender.

Young children of even ten years are being influenced to lesbianism. This is not made up. I groaned and grieved with a friend last night as she told me the story of snatching their granddaughter from the public school system because of this pressure on her young life.

Children in our schools dress up as Muslims on World Hijab Day. True? Yes, photos to prove it. They are expected to repeat the Five Pillars of Islam. And this is in my state of Tennessee, as well as yours!

We now have a Somalian elected congressman, Ilhan Abdullahi Omar, who is a hater of Israel, pro-Palestinian, and who believes 9/11 was just “some people did something,” but means nothing to her. She hates this country, so why is she a congresswoman? And she is only one of the extreme leftists.

And now we have Pete Buttigieg running for president. An open homosexual! He proudly has his “husband” with him as he speaks to the swooning crowds. And he is running for the highest office in the land!

What has happened to our nation?

What has happened to our youth? How have they become so deceived?

They are completely brainwashed by our colleges and schools. They are embracing the philosophies of Bernie Sanders and the extreme socialists who promise everything for nothing. These students are supposed to be educated, but they do not even stop to think who will pay for everything. They want extreme socialism, which is really communism, and yet they don’t even know history. They think they are educated, but they don’t remember that every country that has embraced these philosophies has turned to poverty!

How can we hear these things and stay unmoved?

Can you stay the same? Dear ladies, we must pray. We must pray as families. We must gather our children and young people to pray with us. To pray morning and evening. Imagine if every family began to pray for our nation earnestly and daily. For a great revival of righteousness and people turning back to God.

Do you have a prayer meeting in your home? Or do you go to a prayer meeting? If you don’t. Start one. Gather in friends and neighbors. We have always had a prayer meeting in our home. Since coming out to the woods here in Tennessee we have had a weekly prayer meeting in our home for over 18 years, never missing.

And if you have a prayer meeting in your home, don’t put the children to bed. Encourage them to part of the prayer meeting. The greatest thing your children can be part of is a prayer meeting.

It saddens me that so many young people from Christian homes are not interested in praying. Have they not been taught the power of prayer? Do they not know that they are the generation who will face raising their families in a God-forsaken country if they don’t pray? A country reduced to the poverty of Venezuela?

We have Prayer Boxes for our family prayer times. They help us to keep focused. We use our Family Prayer Box each morning and evening so we are faithfully praying for family members. And then we choose one other of our nine different boxes. Here is a picture of our Nation Changing Box which is a miniature of the Liberty Bell. We use this for praying for the nation.

You can read about our Prayer Boxes by going to this link:

Praying families are nation changing families.

Praying families are world changing families.

Arrange your days and your lifestyle in your home to become a praying family. You can be part of seeing God do a mighty work in our nation.

We cannot carry on life as usual. We must make time to pray.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

P.S. I have also listed 50 Scripture Prayers that David prayed against his enemies. You can use these prayers to pray against President Trump’s enemies (who is daily surrounded by enemies) and for the enemies of righteousness in the land. I can email them to you if you email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.