By Nancy Campbell on Monday, 05 November 2018
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


There is only one Scripture in the Bible where it says that there is no law to stop you! You’re free! Not a person can stop you. Except yourself.

Yes, you know the Scripture in Galatians 5:22 (RSV): “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such THERE IS NO LAW." Isn’t that wonderful?

These are the graces we want to pour into our home. These are the fruit we want to exhibit in our lives. And isn’t it wonderful? There is nothing stopping us, except our yielding to the flesh.

We don’t have these things in our own selfish nature. But they are in Christ. They are the picture of who Christ is, and He dwells in us. When we are born again, and He dwells in our hearts and He wants to fill our lives with these attributes.

Are you feeling lousy and upset? Your joy has left. What’s happening? You are giving into your feelings and fleshly nature. Remember, Christ dwells in you and His nature is joy. Begin to acknowledge and confess the joy of the Lord. It is a greater truth than your feelings.

Do you want to scream at your children? That’s your flesh. But Christ dwells in you. Acknowledge His presence. Confess out loud: Thank you, Jesus that You live in me and You are filled with patience and longsuffering. Thank You for Your patience that fills my life. I’m walking in Your patience right now. Amen.”

Remember, no one is stopping you. Only your own will. We either yield to the flesh or yield to the Holy Spirit. You are free to do it and live in the fulness of the life of Christ which is His abundant life.

Don’t let the devil win in your home today. Don’t let anger, temper, unforgiveness, worry, fretting, or misery rob you.

Much love from Nancy Campbell