By Nancy Campbell on Monday, 01 June 2015
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Your day is made up of little things, but all those little things add up to big things. When you do all the little, simple, even mundane and boring things with joy, it makes your family life great. Enjoy the poem:


Oh it's just the little homely things
The unobtrusive, friendly things,
The "won't-you-let-me-help-you" things
That make our pathway light.
And it's just the jolly, joking things,
The "laugh-with-me-it's-funny" things,
The "never-mind-the-trouble" things
That make the world seem bright.

For all the countless, famous things,
The wondrous, record-breaking things,
Those "never-can-be-equaled" things
That all the papers cite
Can match the little human things,
The "just-because-I-like-you" things,
Those "Oh-it's-simply nothing" things
That make us happy quite.

So here's to all the simple things,
The everyday encountered things,
The "smile-and-face-your-troubles" things
"Trust God to put them right,"
The "done-and-then-forgotten" things,
The "can't-you-see-I-love-you" things,
The hearty "I-am-with-you" things
That make life worth the fight.

~ Grace Haines