By Nancy Campbell on Monday, 18 November 2013
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


When they dedicated the tabernacle (the dwelling place for God) in the wilderness, God told them to first sanctify it with the blood and the anointing oil. Moses had to splash blood upon the garments of the High Priest and all the other priests. He had to splash blood upon the altar and everything in the tabernacle. The blood pointed to the pure, spotless, blood of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God who died for our sins. The holy anointing oil speaks of the Holy Spirit who wants to dwell in our hearts. God is a dwelling God who longs to dwell in our hearts and in our homes.

After the priests and everything in the tabernacle was cleansed, and they offered the sacrifices upon the altar, THEN THE GLORY OF THE LORD FELL. Read Leviticus chapters 8 and 9.

The same thing happened in Solomon's time when he built a house for God. It was after the cleansing with the blood and the sanctifying, that THEN THE GLORY OF THE LORD FELL. Read about it in 2 Chronicles 5:2-7:3.

The same principles applies to us as we make our home a place for the God to dwell. He cannot fill our homes with His glory until we FIRST CLEANSE AND SANCTIFY THEM. Every member of the home and everything in the home must be cleansed and sanctified by the power of the blood of Jesus and the holy anointing oil. Then, God can come and fill our home with His glory.

This is true revival- husbands and wives and children seeking the cleansing and sanctifying of their lives and homes. It is only then that people around will see that we are God's people. We have no power against the enemy in our lives while their is sin in our lives or in our homes.

Do you remember the story of when Achan sinned and took the garments, silver, and gold which he was forbidden to take? God said, "Get up, sanctify the people and say, Sanctify yourselves for tomorrow, because thus says the Lord God of Israel: There is an accursed thing in your midst, O Israel: YOU CANNOT STAND BEFORE YOUR ENEMIES UNTIL YOU TAKE AWAY THE ACCURSED THING FROM AMONG YOU" (Joshua 7:13).

Do you have enemies you need to defeat? Do you want the glory of God to fill your home? Ask God to show you any sin in your home. Get rid of it. Pray for the cleansing and sanctifying of your home so God will delight to dwell with you.

Love from Nancy Campbell