By Nancy Campbell on Thursday, 31 January 2019
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Does your heart need cheering up today? There is only one who can truly cheer you in the depths of your soul. His name is Jesus.

Are you feeding sad? Speak the name of Jesus. Are you feeling unloved? Say the name of Jesus out loud. Are you feeling hurt and ungrateful? Say, “Thank you, Jesus.” Say His name over and over again throughout this day. You cannot stay dismal when you speak His name. I love the words of the hymn…

Who can cheer the heart like Jesus
By His presence all divine,
True and tender, pure and precious,
O, how blest to call Him mine.

All that thrills my soul is Jesus,
He is more than life to me,
And the fairest of ten thousand
In my blessed Lord I see.

May you be uplifted today,

Nancy Campbell