By Nancy Campbell on Thursday, 19 May 2022
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Tuesday night Colin and I went to the theater to watch THE MATTER OF LIFE. You would think we were constant movie goers having just talked to you about 2000 MULES. Yet we rarely go to the movies unless it is something that is promoting the truth. We don’t even watch TV. Colin used to watch a little of Fox News, but the night Fox News stood on the side of the stolen election, we turned it off and have never turned it on again!

This movie is another documentary movie that exposes the horrors of abortion, the arguments the pro-abortionists constantly bring up, and the glory and wonder of life. It is very powerful, and I wish every person could see it. Sadly, although it was only the second and last night in the theaters, the theater was only about one-third full.
I was so sad. Every Christian and every God-fearing person should be standing up for life and against the cruel and horrific dismemberment and murdering of precious babies whom God is creating in the womb.
There was so much to take in on this movie. I will need to see it two or three times. But one quote really saddened me that less than 4 percent of churches are involved in pro-life. Every church should be involved in saving lives.
God’s kingdom is a kingdom of life and if we are on God’s side, we are on the side of life. Therefore we stand up for life, we fight for life, we speak for life, and do everything in our power to save life. The devil’s kingdom is a kingdom of death, and he comes to rob, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). No wonder he works the three life-stoppers—contraception, sterilization, and abortion.
Once again, we must get on the job. We must firstly pray and secondly fight for life. Did you know that there are one million abortions every year in this nation? And 400,000 of those are from churchgoers? What is wrong with the church today?
If you missed the theater showings, you can download this movie. Ask friends in to watch it with you and afterwards discuss together what you will do to bring change.
We must all call our senators and congressmen. Check the Internet and all information will come up for you. Also contact your Attorney General and Governor. Email and call.
Blessings from Nancy Campbell