By Nancy Campbell on Tuesday, 23 April 2019
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Jeremiah 10:25 is a very challenging Scripture. It says: “Pour out thy fury upon the heathen that know thee not, and upon the families that call not on thy name.” On whom does God pour out His fury? The heathen. Anyone else? Yes, the families. What families? The families who do not call upon the name of the Lord. Ouch! That’s rather scary isn’t it?

As a family, do you call upon the Lord together? Forgive me for saying it, but this Scripture tells us that if we don’t call upon the Lord, we may as well be heathen.

Do you gather as a family to cry out to God for your city and nation? The Hebrew word “call” is qara. It does not mean to say a little quiet prayer, but “to cry out aloud, to roar, or to summon God’s aid.”

I wonder what would happen if God-fearing families put aside lesser activities and called upon the Lord together each day. We are living in an unprecedented time in history. We are living in a time when women have been so deluded that they can murder their own babies by law! How can that be? How can we get used to such a thing?

Are we burdened to pray? Are we burdened to rise up and be a voice? Are we burdened to encourage our fellow women back to embracing their womanhood and to God’s way?

Blessings from Nancy Campbell