By Nancy Campbell on Monday, 10 March 2014
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Today Colin and I leave for the UK to speak at Retreats and Seminars throughout UK. We would value your prayers, most of all for God's anointing as we speak, but also for safety, health and energy. Thank you so much. We appreciate your prayers very much.

We are also taking our grand-daughter, Chalice with us. This is her Christmas gift from her parents, Sam and Serene. Chalice loves to read books about Scotland and they thought it would be such a wonderful opportunity for her to see it in real life! Now I must get back to packing.

I didn't get much time yesterday--church in the morning and last night we had a big family gathering to celebrate the 50th birthday of our oldest son, Wesley. It was a great night of food, fun, and fellowship and of course, as is the tradition in our family, loads of speeches as everyone shared memories of Wes's life.

We'll be back 28 March.

~ Blessings from Nancy