By Nancy Campbell on Monday, 18 March 2019
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Were you disappointed to see that 12 Republican Senators voted to terminate the national emergency declaration to protect our Sothern border? We are all aware of the terrorists, gang members, and illegals seeking to invade our nation. The people who seek to invade our nation are not the people we want in our nation. We welcome those who come legally.

We all believe in protecting our homes. It is an inherent thing to do. We should have the same concern for our nation. Psalm 144:14 says that when God’s blessing is upon the land there will be “no breaking in.” Another translation says that “our enemies will not invade our land.”

My husband and I had to come to this great country legally. We had to spend time, money, and effort to become a US citizen. It’s not easy, but it is a prized possession. Not to be taken lightly.

I was most disappointed to see that the following senators did not stand with securing our border. I have already contacted my Tennessean Senator. I encourage you all to do the same. Just google for the phone number of the Senator in your sate and call to express your concern.

Lamar Alexander of Tennessee (615) 736-5129
Roy Blunt of Missouri
Susan Collins of Maine
Mike Lee of Utah
Lisa Murkowski of Alaska
Rob Portman of Ohio
Mitt Romney of Utah
Marco Rubio of Florida
Patrick Toomey of Pennsylvania
Rand Paul of Kentucky
Roger Wicker of Mississippi
Jerry Moran of Kansas

~ Nancy