By Nancy Campbell on Tuesday, 07 January 2020
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


By Renee Ellison

Perhaps one of the reasons that Christ turned water into wine at the wedding at Cana was to show this is what He does on the metaphysical level with marriage itself. He takes two very earthly people, two extremely complex people, two people with disparate backgrounds and vastly different personalities and goes to work upon them—like combining the unlikely ingredients of oxygen and hydrogen and making them into water. But that’s not all. He eventually turns the water into wine too—in us as well. It is just what He DOES. HOW He does it is a mystery, but THAT he does it is sure and true.

Some change is quick like the first night's physical consummation but give it time . . . lots of time . . . and over that lifetime, He consummates the two soul's "beings" as well. Just ask anyone who has been married 50 or 60 years. Some old couples even end up somewhat looking like each other in certain features.

Make no mistake. HE does the work, we just ARE. He is quite sufficient to create the oneness upon us . . . over us . . . in us, without our own frail help or limited intentionality. AND what is even more surprising, He not only makes the marriage's oneness, but the individual's INDIVIDUATION. We become more of who we are via the relationship. We identify ourselves by what arises in the context of the relationship. I like this, I don't like that, I tend to be this, I tend not to be that, etc. Changing water into wine is only the beginning.

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