By Nancy Campbell on Tuesday, 11 June 2013
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Zephaniah 3:17 tells us that God rests in His love toward us. The Hebrew word for rest in this Scripture means "to be silent, to hold your tongue." The same word is translated "hold your peace" or "hold your tongue" 30 times in the Bible. When God forgives us from our sin and cleanses us with His precious blood, He remembers our sin no more. He doesn't keep accusing us or bring it back to remind us.

God wants us to enjoy this kind of love in our marriage relationship, too. It's so easy to accuse. It's too easy to retort back. It's so easy to bring up past experiences. But, does this bring rest in your relationship? No. It only brings more nervous tension. It raises the blood pressure.

Instead, God wants you to enjoy His RESTING love. He wants you to rest in each another's love instead of answering back and having to have the last say.

Other translations say, "quieting love" (ESV), "calming love" (CEB, NLT, WEB), and "renewing love" (NET, GWT, RSV).

Will you ask God to help you be silent and "hold your tongue" today? No more retorts! Let me give you a secret. It will bring rest instead of stress!

Love from Nancy Campbell