By Nancy Campbell on Monday, 10 March 2014
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


God's love in our hearts is not "just enough." He wants His love that is "shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost" to spill over! The meaning of "shed abroad" is "to pour forth, to gush out, to spill." Is God's love getting out of your heart or are you blocking it? Perhaps it is just trickling out. God wants it to pour out.

1 Corinthians 13 in the Williams translation reads, "Love is SO patient and SO kind. Love never boils with jealously; it never boasts, is never puffed with pride; it does not act with rudeness, or insist upon its rights; it never gets provoked, it never harbors evil thoughts; is never glad when wrong is done, but always glad when truth prevails. It bears up under anything. It exercises faith in everything. It keeps up hope in everything. It gives us power to endure in anything. Love never fails."  

This is the amazing kind of love that is shed abroad in our hearts by the power of the Holy Spirit. Our human love gives up, runs out, and doesn’t have these capabilities. Draw from God’s supernatural love that is in you because the Holy Spirit lives in you (Romans 5:5).

Blessings from Nancy Campbell