ItsDirtyI love testimony time at our Above Rubies retreats when women share their stories. I love hearing about the little anecdotes too.

Recently a mother shared how she loves wearing her I LOVE MOTHERHOOD bracelet, but it went missing. Guess where she found it? In her toddler’s potty with the pee!

She washed it clean and it was all ready to wear again!

She shared how this can be a little bit like motherhood. It’s certainly not all perfect. It can even get pretty dirty. And we as mothers are not perfect either. We can get angry and shout! Oh help! That’s spoiled our lovely mothering day.

But praise the Lord, we have an advocate (1 John 1:1, 2). We can repent and ask forgiveness and our Savior is always ready to forgive and wash us clean.

When you lose your temper and “blow it,” don’t give up. Come to Jesus. Ask His forgiveness and for His precious blood to wash you clean. 1 John 1:9 says: “if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

Things may get dirty from time to time, but don’t stay dirty, dear mother. Keep washed and clean in the precious blood of Jesus.

Have a wonderful mothering day.

Love to you,

Nancy Campbell