By Nancy Campbell on Wednesday, 24 April 2019
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Do you sometimes feel a little inferior because you don’t have time to get involved in ministry for the Lord? You are full-time in your home mothering and training children.

Dear mother, please remember who you are. You are in the perfect will of God. You are doing what God intends you to do. You are His missionary in your home, training disciples for his kingdom. That’s what Jesus did when He was here on earth. He trained twelve disciples who turned the world upside down!

Next time someone asks you what ministry you do for the Lord, perhaps you could answer, “I’m involved in the signs and wonders ministry!”

“Wow, that’s pretty cool,” they answer.

“Yes, God says that my children are for “signs and wonders (Isaiah 8:18).”

Isn’t that amazing? Both words are similar. The word “signs” is “oth” and means “an appearance, a flag, a beacon, a monument, a miracle.” Each one of your children is a miracle from God. He gives them to you to train and prepare to be beacons of light in this dark and deceived world. They are to be a revelation of God to the world.

The word “wonders” is “mopheth.” It is a plural word meaning “wonderful deed, miraculous sign, miracle, prodigy.” The birth of each one of your children is a miracle of God. And their lives will continue to reveal the miraculous works of God.

Be encouraged today.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

Photo: Some of our grandchildren singing the hymns with all their gusto.