By Nancy Campbell on Friday, 12 June 2020
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


When you pray in a prayer meeting or as a family together, do you ever go off in a daydream? I find it easy to do this. And yet I don’t want to. I want to be involved and agree with everyone who is praying. God answers prayers when we AGREE together (Matthew 18:19).

I find the best way to keep intensely involved in prayer with others is to say Amen when someone prays about something that also touches my heart. This really keeps my mind on the job. In fact, it’s an exciting prayer meeting when everyone agrees and says Amen. There’s nothing worse than a silent prayer meeting when half the people don’t open their mouths to pray and nobody agrees or says Amen with those who do pray.

I think it’s time to get earnest, don’t you? Especially with what is currently happening in our nation. Let’s become effectual in our praying (James 5:16).

When the children of Israel first came into the Promised land they came to Mount Gerizim and Mount Ebal. God told Joshua for half of the tribes to stand on Mount Gerizim and the other half on Mount Ebal. The Levites then had to speak the curses to Israel with A LOUD VOICE. God also commanded that after every statement all the people had to answer, AMEN (Deuteronomy 27:11-26).

After the Levites spoke each one of the twelve curses, they stopped, and all the people said AMEN!

God wanted them to say Amen for them to agree! But I am sure it also helped them to keep awake and attentive. It wasn’t just a few adults who were listening, but ALL the families of Israel, including ALL the children. They wouldn’t have time to get into a daydream if they were waiting to say Amen after every declaration.

Do you do this in your family praying? Teach your children to be involved in what others are praying. To agree. To say Amen. To be involved in every prayer instead of giggling, talking, and fiddling! If they are not saying Amen, they are most probably in a day dream.

I say Amen. What do you say?

Nancy Campbell