By Nancy Campbell on Thursday, 26 March 2020
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Motherhood is the highest career of all careers in the nation. Without motherhood the nation will die. Yes, that is true. Without the womb of a woman, nothing happens in this world. It all comes to a halt. Every invention, feat, discovery and anything that happens in this world comes through a person and that person originates in the womb of a mother.

Without godly mothers in the home, the nation weakens. Without godly mothers in the home, reading God’s Word to their children from the time they are born, Christianity dies. The enemy knows this fact and therefore seeks to woo mothers out of the home. He knows that if he can steal the children from Christian families, he wins the battle.

Don’t be asleep to the enemy’s tactics. Be on the offensive. Embrace your career of motherhood with all your heart. If you don’t love motherhood, begin confessing that you love it. You’ll be amazed at how you will change when you change your confession. Every morning when you get up, confess out loud, “I LOVE MOTHERHOOD!” Keep saying it until it is part of you.

Rise up in the power and anointing of motherhood. Build a strong marriage and home. Take up the challenge to raise godly sons and daughters who will not be influenced by this world system. In doing so, you will be part of reclaiming your nation for God.

Rise up today,

Nancy Campbell

Picture: Trisha Romance (1951, American).