By Nancy Campbell on Wednesday, 07 April 2021
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


May all my children live for You,

To do the things You've called them to.
Oh grant this mother's one desire
To light their hearts with holy fire.
No greater task on earth You give
Than that my children thus would live,
With hearts and ears to hear Your voice,
With lives surrendered to Your choice.
I do not pray for wealth or fame,
Or any other earthly gain.
No momentary, passing peace,
To live their lives in comforts' ease.
I only long to see them live
Prepared for You their lives to give,
That in that country far away
Together we'll all live some day.
What's done for selfish gain won't last,
And earthly pleasures soon will pass;
But if they'll fix their eyes above,
They'll know the joy of heaven's love.
I know this prayer is much to ask,
When failure marks times of the past.
Though I'm not all You'd have me be,
May they still see Your love through me.
And may they each forgive my falls,
That they might hear and heed Your call.
For when to glory I must pass,
May only truths I've taught them last.
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