By Nancy Campbell on Wednesday, 01 August 2018
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


In 2005 with two children and pregnant with my third, I Ieft my corporate job to be a stay-at-home mother. I never considered homeschooling, but God had other plans

We moved our family of three little daughters and one son from Ontario, Canada to Washington State for my husband to work at a startup software company in Seattle. After close to three years the company was not thriving financially and were looking to sell. At the exact same time we were expecting our sixth child. The pregnancy was beset by difficulties, but God showed Himself faithful.

Meanwhile, hanging over our heads was the possibility that my husband could lose his job and thus we would lose our visa status. We had been renting a very small three-bedroom house. Absolutely nothing in our circumstances even suggested we could, should, or would buy a home.

We had previously worked with a realtor, and seemingly out of the blue, he contacted us to show us our “perfect house.” Everything we had on our wish list. I opted not to go to see the house. What was the point? Plus, I was very ill at the time.

Very excitedly, my husband called me. He said I HAD to go see the house. I dragged myself out and went. Pulling into the driveway I exchanged a look with my eldest daughter (who was a mere 15 years old at the time). We immediately could see its great potential. Five bedrooms, ample bathrooms, and a wonderful, big backyard. This was indeed OUR Family Home! It truly was perfect.

Against every human reason in the world we bought that house. Now what? If we lost our visa status we would own a home we would have to leave. But God! Don’t you love it when the Bible says, “but God”?

Because He is so loving and caring He showed us we had nothing to worry or be anxious for. My husband ended up being “acquired as intellectual property” when the startup was purchased by non-other than Microsoft. Even in our wildest dreams we couldn’t have imagined that the LORD would show Himself so faithful.

Because of that acquisition, God provided abundantly for our family as it grew to include four more children.

Edmonds, Washington, USA
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Picture: Dawn and Clifton’s family: Candice married to Tim who have two daughters--Abigail (8) and Lilian (4), Vanessa (29), Natasha (26), Gabriel (21), Nathaniel (19), Tabitha (17), Josiah (16), Adam (14), Micah (12), and Lucas (11).