By Nancy Campbell on Thursday, 04 February 2021
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Have you, or are you planning to have a “Color Night” at your table. Yesterday I shared about a Red Color Night. Today, I am sharing a testimony from Val Stares about when she planned a “Green Color Night” at her table. Val Stares is the Director of Above Rubies in Australia. Val has been with me in the vision of Above Rubies from its very inception when we began in New Zealand over 43 years ago. She and her family moved with us to Australia and after 10 years when we moved on to live in USA, she took over the managing of Above Rubies in Australia. Val is now a great-grandmother like me, and this story happened a number of years ago. But I am sure you will enjoy it.

I was inviting my daughter and son-in-law and family for a meal. I decided on a theme, a color night. I decided to make it green because I could use lots of green vegetables for a nutritious meal.
First, I wrote each member of the family a personal invitation in separate envelopes, steamed old stamps off letters and used them, walked down the drive and “posted” them in the letter box when no one was watching (they lived next to us). The next morning I could hear the squeals of delight, as each child discovered their own letter. I instructed each person to wear green, to bring something green and to prepare an explanation to be shared at the table on what their ‘thing’ reminded them of about God.
Calais, my 10-year-old granddaughter at the time, wanted to help me set it all up. We went shopping together. It was more fun than it would have been alone, even if it did spoil some of the surprises. I was aware of teaching her true hospitality at the same time. We purchased green plastic cutlery, plates, bowls, serviettes, balloons, streamers, sweets (for a little treat), green drink (yuk) and plastic tumblers. My daughter lent us a green tablecloth and we had the greatest fun setting the table. We raided the garden to put greenery in the center of the table. Calais made green name place settings.
I made a special rice dish and colored the rice green. (We normally have brown rice but for this occasion I used white). It included green peppers, parsley, peas, and beans. The men like their meat so it included chicken, which didn’t go green though no one seemed to notice.
For dessert I made a lovely healthy steam pudding but colored the custard green! It looked yuk, but if you closed your eyes, it didn’t taste any different.
It all looked amazing! There are so very many different colors of greens that we don’t even think about on a daily basis. Everyone joined in and looked the part. After we had eaten, while still seated at the table, we started our sharing time, going around each one at the table.
First was Jaeger (8). Firstly he shared his disappointment in not being able to bring the green frog he longed to because he couldn’t find one. He had rather ‘defeatedly’ settled for his green toothbrush. He told us how important it is to keep our teeth that God gave us to chew our food with clean, otherwise they too will turn green! Keeping things clean is part of our Christian duty, especially our hearts.
Natalie (the mother) shared next. brought parsley and explained how wonderful God is that He created something so amazing. The parsley roots go down into the brown dirt and draw from the earth nutrients to make it grow. It grows and flourishes in the light of the sun and is watered by the rain, which only makes it grow greener and healthier. The parsley is full of goodness and it was God who provided us with this wonderful food to garnish our meals and bless us with health.
Next came Kaylah (3) and Jace (18 months). Kaylah was chosen as the spokesperson. They showed us their handfuls of grass. She explained that God made the grass for the horse to eat. Jace echoed the word horse and grass a number of times and it was evident they were in agreement.
My son-in-law was full of enthusiasm. He had stripped a green vine off one of their passion fruits. Yes, you guessed it. This vine reminded him of abiding in the vine. He had a fine message backed with Scriptures and everyone listened attentively.
By now it was Calais’ turn but for some reason she wanted to go last, so we skipped to granddad, my husband Bill. He had a green sock! He held it high and asked who it belonged to. The guilty person owned up and then was asked; "Did you know that God tells you to pick up after yourself and not to leave your things lying around in other people’s places causing them to have to pick up after you?” Some of us weren’t quite clear where that Scripture is found but the message came across loud and clear.
Anais (5) had a green plate for which she had found two popsicle sticks, which became hands to make a green clock. She wasn’t quite sure what it reminded her of about God except that God made the time!
Paige (7) had a zucchini, and her message was similar to her mother’s but lacking a little detail. Sadly, her closing comment was that she didn’t like them. She confessed she doesn’t know why God makes some things that we don’t like? Her brilliant smile, which she constantly wears, didn’t seem to convince any of us that it was a problem.
Then it was Grandma’s turn! (mine). I showed them the money in my hand. Everyone protested. "That’s not green. You said we had to bring something green.” (We don’t have any “green” money in Australia). I just sat there saying nothing while everyone berated me by saying how unfair it was that I should get away with not bringing something green. The verdict was that I had cheated. Finally they settled down and allowed me to speak.
I shared that even though the money wasn’t green; it actually was capable of causing an emotion that is likened to “green” when you have it. Could they tell me what that emotion is? The adults were encouraged to give the children a chance to guess.
“You see,” I explained, “mine is a ‘hidden green’ and it’s not a good one. This money reminds me to always be thankful to God for His provision and not to rely on other securities such as money or be envious when others have money, and I don’t!”
At last it was Calais’ turn. Surely, she must have something brilliant for her to want to wait till last. To our disappointment she produced a green cup and some green cutlery that was left over from setting the table. Like the rest of us she stood up to share. She cleared her throat then proceeded to fire questions at us.
“Why are we all here tonight? “ A few weak answers came filtering through. Calais continued in a strong voice, “Because grandma invited us, right?” We nodded our ascent.
“What did we have to do?” was the next question. We’re starting to get the hang of it now, so we joined in by answering that we had to wear and bring something green along with a little message.
“Right!” said Calais, and then she went round the table commenting on each person’s offering and what they had to say about it. She tied everything up, pulled the whole night together and summarized every one’s offering. We were amazed at this little girl’s ability to do this. We had no idea she had this skill. None of us have it, and because she is home-schooled it isn’t something that she has picked up from others. God has given her this gift and when the opportunity afforded, being comfortable amongst her family, she let herself go.
In the shock of the moment I have no idea what she had to say about the cup and utensils. I think that it just paled into insignificance as it dawned on us what God had revealed to us right there at the table.
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Nerang, Gold Coast, Australia