By Nancy Campbell on Tuesday, 24 July 2018
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Yesterday you read the testimony of God’s provision from Nadia Putana. Today I am going to share with you Putana and Nadia’s vision for Africa, because it COULD CONCERN YOUR FAMILY!

From Nadia:
We are both originally from Rwanda. However, our first mission trip was in Kenya for a year. We traveled and ministered in 11 cities. As we lived, interacted, and ministered in various locations, one particular need kept presenting itself—the
need for teaching on family life. It had never been taught.

Our hearts were burdened, and we cried out to God. It was then that He gave us this vision. We felt God saying: “For many, many, years, missionaries and mission works have come to Africa to help the orphans and widows. And that is good. There has been much work done to help the poor. And that is good. But I don't want you to treat the symptoms anymore. I WANT YOU TO DEAL WITH THE ROOTS!"

What are the roots?
1) Unfaithfulness in marriage resulting in HIV which creates an endless flow of widows and orphans.
2) Polygamy (common in the cultures), also resulting in HIV. It is also common among Christians, especially in villages.

As for poverty? It is not hard to figure out that a man with two or three wives and children from them all will often struggle financially to care for his family thus, increasing poverty.

The Lord impressed on our hearts that we could see a change in this generation and generations to come if we will start teaching His Word as it relates to FAMILY LIFE.

We lived in Kenya that year of 2011 and taught what God revealed to us. In that one year alone, we saw a tremendous change in families!

Since returning from that initial trip, we have prayed, waiting for the right time to return, and set up an ongoing ministry to African families. We finally think it's time!

Our desire and vision is not to go alone but take other families (who have a vision for family) with us also, for short or long-term missions. We saw firsthand the fruit born from our teaching the Word, but even more from their WATCHING our family life. They are turning to our western way and limiting children. They couldn’t believe we would have more than one or two children. They need to see godly family life worked out in marriages and families, and yes, big families. We are excited to see how many lives would be impacted when other families join our family on a mission trip! The more people who can come AS FAMILIES, WITH THEIR CHILDREN, the more impact.

If you would be interested or would like to get more information, please contact us. If you, your family, small group, church, or business would like to partner with us and help sponsor this work, contact us. We will be glad to serve the King of Kings with you.

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