WhyDear folks, please forgive me asking all these questions. I am asking them myself today as I pace the floor? I have been asking them for days and am now voicing them to you. Please forgive me if I tread on toes. I’m just asking.

Yes, I just have to ask. Why does the media intentionally fill the nation with fear? Why has a whole nation, the greatest and freest nation on earth bowed to a lockdown of life? This is far scarier to me than this virus. It shows the nation is ruled by fear.

I love to imagine that the churches did not bow to silence and instead gathered, not for normal services perhaps, but to pray and intercede and storm the gates of Heaven for this virus to halt. Can you imagine millions of Christians praying in groups together (Matthew 18:18-20)? This would be far more powerful than hiding ourselves away.

Imagine the sick coming to God’s people to be healed!

There is power in corporate prayer, Instead, we are isolated. Instead many are locked down with fear. It’s hard to believe how fearful people have become. I know many families are praying in their homes, but I know that there are many who are not. Sadly, it is not the usual habit for even Christian families to all pray together every day. I pray they have begun to do this since this lockdown, but are they? Is their less prayer because we are not meeting together?

Could I humbly ask this question? Did you gather your family to pray together for this nation this morning? And will you be doing it again this evening with your family?

Oh I know some would say that we would be a threat to others by passing on the virus, but I believe in the power of God. I believe that when God’s interceding saints get together to come against a virus, that the virus could not touch them! God is much bigger.

And does not Christ dwell in us? His powerful healing life that dwells in us is greater than any virus. As one of my daughters says, “I do not fear. Because Christ lives in me, any virus just falls off me.”

Romans 8:11 (ESV): “If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you.”

I believe that God’s people should be available for the sick to come to us to pray for their healing. My grandson who loves to pray for people was sharing how he was convicted of Jesus’ words, “Go, cleanse the lepers” (Matthew 10:8). He reminded us how Jesus didn’t hide from the lepers. He touched them and healed them. He was likening the lepers to this virus. But although he goes looking every day, he hasn’t found any yet. He’s ready to pray for anyone. But one good thing, he said that although he hasn’t found any corona victims to pray for, that people are about 40 percent more open to hear the gospel.

My dearest readers, I don’t write this casually. According to the statistics, my husband and I are in the most “vulnerable category” according to our ages, but we do not fear. How can we fear, when our trust is in God?

Isaiah 8:11-13 states: “For this is what the LORD has spoken to me with a strong hand, instructing me not to walk in the way of this people: ‘Do not call conspiracy everything these people regard as conspiracy. Do not fear what they fear; do not live in dread. The LORD of Hosts is the One you shall regard as holy. Only He should be feared; only He should be dreaded’” (Isaiah 8:11-13 BSB).

I think back to when the government took prayer and then the Bible out of schools What did the Christians do then? Nothing. Imagine if every Christian family had taken their children our of our public schools? They would soon have put prayer back again!

Last question: Why don’t we the people of God stand up for what we really believe?

Blessings from Nancy Campbell