By Nancy Campbell on Thursday, 13 January 2022
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


“I’m pregnant!” No, not me, although that would be amazing! But these are usually the words a mother will say when she sees the pink line! Actually, It’s not such a nice-sounding word, is it? For something so wonderful I am sure we could think of a better word.

What about “I’m gestating!” That doesn’t sound very beautiful.
I love the sound of “I’m wombing!” It reveals what is really happening. Of course, I don’t expect you will use this word. It’s a little old-fashioned, but I love it. And it truly describes what is happening.
What a beautiful thing to be wombing. When else does a mother have an excuse to have a nap in the afternoon and dream of her coming baby?
It is a time of wonder and apprehension for a first-time mother. But is it any less wonder for the mother of five, six, or more? I think she understands even more the awe and miracle of the little life growing inside her—a brand new person who has never lived before and will never come to this earth again. She may have other children, but this is a new creation of God. What will he or she be like?
She may be waiting in anticipation for the surprise. Will it be a boy or girl? Many don’t wait for this surprise today, but it is one of the surprises God loves to give us. Psalm 139:15 tells us how God crates the baby in “the secret place.”
It is so exciting for a new mother to feel the first “quickening” of life within her womb. Nor will an older mother ever get tired of this wonder. What could be more amazing?
Are you blessed to be pregnant? Enjoy your wombing? It is a powerful time of your life. It is more important that all the other things you could be rushing about doing. God Himself tells us in Isaiah 40:11 that He “gently leads those that are with young.” When you are asked to be involved in this and that, you can say, “I’m so sorry, but I”m not available at this time. I’m wombing!”
It’s time to enjoy the wonder. It’s time to “cozy in” and prepare your “home nest” again for your coming baby. First time mothers, you will never be able to comprehend until the moment of birth the overwhelming love you will feel for your baby.
Second time mothers, you love your present child so much, you wonder if you could ever have enough love for another child. This is also a wonder. You will have even more love for this precious child. And each baby that comes into the family causes the mother to love her husband and her other children even more. The mother who has many children overloads with more and more love for each individual in her family when a new baby is born.
Oh, the wonder.
Love from Nancy Campbell
This is a picture of Marvel Lea, Chalice’s little baby. Chalice is Serene’s daughter. She is barely three weeks old and already getting so fat!