NoResistBabyYou’re pregnant? But you are scared to tell your parents or parents-in-law! You know you’ll get a negative reaction (or maybe even a violent reaction)! Can I encourage you that you only have to get through the next few months. When your precious baby is born, their hearts will change. No one can resist a baby!

Your parents and friends have this negative reaction because they have been brainwashed to have this response. Society, the media, and the education system all teach that you shouldn’t have too many babies. Instead, they want you to give your life to a career or a job that you will leave behind and which will have little impact on the nation or eternity! Their minds have been conditioned to believe lies from Satan who hates life.

But don’t lose heart. They’ll love your baby when he or she arrives!

Every new baby is a revelation of God to the world They are part of God’s kingdom. Jesus said in Matthew 19;14 (ESV): “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”

You are helping to establish the kingdom of God on earth, and in heaven. Lift up your head and rejoice.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell