By Nancy Campbell on Monday, 26 August 2024
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


One day we will live in a world where there is no sin. What a glorious day that will be. But we don’t live there yet. We live in a world of unrighteousness. Deception and corruption are all around us, from our government on downwards. Unrighteousness creeps into our homes and even our hearts.

2 Peter 3:13 says: “We look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.”
We long for the new earth. But in the meantime, we are in this world to overcome. We dare not succumb to the evil around us. We cannot be apathetic, mediocre, ordinary, or middle of the road. We dare not be tolerant of evil as so much of the church is today. If we accept the status quo, we will become victims.
Instead, we are to be overcomers. We must fight the good fight of faith. Fight against the darkness and deception. Constantly fight against evil. Hate it. Abhor it. Never tolerate it.
What did Jesus say? “The kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force” (Matthew 11:12). Jesus came to “destroy the works of the devil” (1 John 3:8) and He now dwells in us to continue to destroy his works.
Dear mothers, it begins in our homes. As mothers we must walk in the beautiful anointing of the gentle nurturer and nourisher. But there is another side to motherhood. It is the mother who fights like a “mother bear” to protect her children from the enemy. She does not sit idly by and let her children be taken captives by the devil. She is a watch dog. She is on the war path. She stands up against all unrighteousness. She pushes back the darkness and deception from her home. She is “awesome as an army with banners” (Song 6:10).
We cannot give up this fight until we meet Jesus and enter the world where there is no unrighteousness. But we prepare for this world by overcoming evil now. The promises and the crowns are for the overcomers.
Be encouraged, dear mother. Don’t give up. You are gentle, yet strong. You are a nurturer, yet a warrior. You are the heart of your home, but a devil destroyer.
Blessings from Nancy Campbell