By Nancy Campbell on Wednesday, 03 May 2023
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Save Me, Lord Jesus, from living in the flesh,

For when I do, my life gets in a mess!
Help me, instead, to look to You,
And live in the Spirit all the day through.
Save me, Lord Jesus, from speaking in the flesh,
For when I do, everyone is depressed!
Touch my lips with fire from Your altar,
Pour Your Spirit upon me; I don’t want to falter.
Save me, Lord Jesus, from wanting my way,
I want to obey Your voice each moment of the day,
I want to trust You fully with every decision,
And rather than mine, I want your vision!
Help me, Lord Jesus, to give up my will,
Instead of demanding my own rights still!
Help me to yield my body and my mind,
To You, my Savior, so loving and kind.
Save me from groveling with selfishness,
I want to think like you think and to confess,
That your ways and thoughts are higher than mine
And with your thoughts I want to get into line!
I confess You are with me in each battle I face,
I don’t have to worry, for You fight in my place,
As long as I trust You with all of my heart,
I know Your presence will never depart.
Thank you, dear Lord Jesus, Amen.
Love from Nancy Campbell