By Nancy Campbell on Wednesday, 21 March 2018
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Here is a picture of my Meditation Basket. I use it every day and everywhere I go, downstairs in the office where I am writing to you and searching the Word and upstairs where I live.

What do you put in a Meditation Basket? Find any suitable basket around you home and put in it your Bible and whatever else inspires you when you have your Quiet Time (or not so quiet if the children are around you). Here are some ideas for you.

Your Bible. Most important of all.

A Daily Devotional of your choice. You may love to have “100 Days of Blessing” which is a devotional especially for wives and mothers. We have both volumes 1 and 2 available for you at

A different version of the Bible than you normally read. I keep my “Hebrew/Greek Key Study Bible in the King James Version. However, I love to have a couple of different translations to also refer to. I am a connoisseur of Bible translations and change them in my basket from time to time.

An old hymn book (it is wonderful to read some of the wonderful old hymns to inspire you in your worship and walk with the Lord).

A hard-covered diary in which you can write the most important Scripture God gives you for the day.

Two or three pens (or even more as they seem to disappear quickly), as you want to have a pen on hand when God speaks to you. I need a load of pens as I am a professional pen looser!

Keep your Meditation Basket in the place where you love to sit with the Lord. You can pick up your basket and take it with you anywhere in the house. To your bedroom. Or to the sofa where you are nursing the baby. You may like to take it outside under a tree while you watch the children play, or wherever you want to go. It’s all in the basket. You don’t have to run around finding everything when you find another cozy nook somewhere.

I hope this is an inspiration to you. Have a lovely day.