By Nancy Campbell on Monday, 07 December 2015
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


(Day 1 of Hanukkah)

Hanukkah, or the Feast of Dedication as it is called in the New Testament (John 10:22-23) is a festival of lighting candles for eight days to remember the dedication of the temple and the relighting of the lampstand which God commanded should never go out (Exodus 27:20-21).

It all happened because of a very brave family. At this time in history Antiochus Epiphanes ruled over Israel and commanded all Jews to renounce their way of life, practice pagan observances, and live like the Greeks. He erected the "abomination of desolation" in the temple. Many Jews assimilated to avoid persecution and being killed. BUT NOT THIS FAMILY!

Mattathias was a godly older man with five brave sons--John, Simon, Judas (known as Maccabeus), Eleazar, and Jonathan. When the officials came to their town of Modein, they tried to get Mattathias to influence the people of his town to turn away from God. Listen to his reply, "Mattathias answered in a LOUD VOICE: What do I care if everyone in the king's entire kingdom turns from their own religion and starts obeying his laws? MY FAMILY AND I WILL ALWAYS KEEP THE PROMISES OUR ANCESTERS MADE TO GOD. WE WILL NEVER GIVE UP OUR FAITH OR DISOBEY EVEN ONE OF GOD'S LAWS. WE WILL NOT OBEY ANTIOCHUS!" (1 Maccabees 2:19-20).

When a cowardly Jew stepped forward to obey the king by offering a sacrifice, Mattathias was so furious that he rushed over, killed the man, destroyed the altar, and killed the official who ordered the sacrifice. He and his sons then ran to the hills leaving everything they owned behind. Thus began the bravery of the Maccabee family who conducted continual battles against the enemy and eventually delivered Israel and Jerusalem and the temple of God.

We don't face being killed for our faith today here in our Western countries, although this is currently happening in many countries of the world. ISIS has beheaded thousands of Christians in Iraq, and not only adults, but young children. Many brave young children are being beheaded for their faith. One report of many shares about ISIS threatening four children: "You say the words that you will follow Mohammed." How did these children (under the ages of 15) answer? "No, we love Yeshua [Jesus], we have always loved Yeshua." Immediately their heads were chopped off.

The United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child released a report of children being tortured, crucified, buried alive, used as suicide bombers, and sold as sex slaves by ISIS. We are not facing this kind of persecution yet. But we have to watch out for another insidious way the enemy attacks us. Daily we face subtle indoctrination to succumb to Satan's plans and give in to humanist, progressive ideology which is all around us--proclaimed in our public schools, the media, and even in liberal churches.

Will we be those who give in or will we have courage, individually, and as families to stand true to God, even if no one else stands? The Scripture says, "Let God be true, but every man a liar" (Romans 3:4).

May God give us the strength and anointing to be bold and courageous and to raise children who will have courage and boldness to stand up for truth and never give up their faith.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell