By Nancy Campbell on Wednesday, 13 July 2022
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Rachel Carlson wrote this poem for her baby’s dedication:

In a mother's heart are hidden
Prayers both large and small,
They consume her every fiber,
And the Lord, He sees them all.
There's no language to articulate
The depth of all these needs
As she steps forward on the path
Where she'll plant a million little seeds.
Drawing on the courage
That only has one Source,
She whispers out a plea
For this overwhelming course.
I pray I'll have the peace of mind
That comes with knowing you're not mine,
Since you're ultimately His,
And He'll hold you for all time.
Believe me when I tell you
I'll ask for safety and your health,
And if I'm being completely honest,
I'll even throw in wealth.
But the safety I crave most for you
Isn't from physical harm,
It's the security you'll come to know
By being held within His arms.
And while I want your body
To be absolutely sound,
A healthy heart will seek His face,
Where true wholeness can be found.
I pray your needs are always met,
Provided by His hand,
For the resources He possesses
Are as countless as the sand.
But most of all I pray you'll know
The riches of His glory,
That your eyes might be enlightened,
And you'll make His hope your story.
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Picture: Rachel with little Edithanne (8 months) at her dedication. Jay and Rachel are also blessed with three sons, Tommy (7), Finn (4), and Jed (2).