By Nancy Campbell on Thursday, 07 October 2021
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


This article from Moms for America (link below) is worth reading as it exposes what is going on in our education system. I, for one, would never send my children into such an environment where our precious children are being taught everything that is against God and family. In fact, I would encourage you to take your children out of these anti=God schools.
Or, if you are not going to do that, take a stand like these moms. I admire that they are not taking this sitting down. The article ends with:
“Moms are fed up with mandates, pronoun penalties, sexually explicit content, and racist, sexist content being thrust our kids. We want real science, true history, and a classical education that teaches kids to read, write, calculate, and be good citizens. If that makes us radical, then so be it. From Cottage Meetings to Parents Strike to rallies and lawsuits, Moms for America will continue to unite with other organizations and support moms in their efforts to bring truth, freedom, and commonsense back to our schools. We will continue to show up at school board meetings and in the coming elections, we’ll be sitting in a lot of those seats.
Will Moms Now Be Listed on FBI’s Most Wanted List? (