By Nancy Campbell on Friday, 15 November 2013
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


This morning we read 1 Corinthians 1:9 in our Family Devotions, "God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord." Can you imagine it? Called by God Himself. A Royal invitation. A divine invitation to walk in fellowship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

How below par we live. We grovel around in defeat and misery when we have a divine invitation to walk in fellowship with Christ. Jesus Christ not only died to save us from our sins, but He rose again to dwell in our hearts and live His glorious, victorious, superabundant life through us, right in our home and in our kitchen (John 10:10, Galatians 2:20; Colossians 1:27).

Back in my home country of New Zealand, many years ago, my father and his brother gave a shearing demonstration to the Queen of England when she visited our country. This was because my father originally designed the fastest way to shear sheep and was the World Champion Sheep Shearer in his day. The Queen was so impressed that she issued a Royal Command for them to shear before her again. As a family we were away on holiday and no one knew where we were. We decided on our choice of vacation as we drove down the road! Announcements came over the radio all through the country find the whereabouts of Ivan Bowen.

When they tracked him down and he heard of this Royal Command from the Queen, did he say, "Sorry, I'm on vacation. I haven't got time to do that for her and the Duke." No, he immediately left us to our own devices and off he went to obey the command of the Queen.

How much more should we obey the calling and Royal Command of our God who is King of kings and Lord of lords.

Forget living in your little hut of misery and defeat and answer the call to live in the mansion of the fullness of your life in Christ.

Love from Nancy Campbell