By Nancy Campbell on Saturday, 11 August 2018
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


One time in the early days of raising our family in New Zealand, we were running very low financially. My husband, Brian disappeared down our property and had a serious talk with God about our finances.

Our neighbor and I were talking and found their family were going through similar difficulty. She said she had half a pumpkin left and I had almost nothing but a dollar or two. I suggested I go and ask a lovely old fellow I knew who had a huge garden if he could give us some vegetables to the value of the money I had.

I came home with more vegetables than I could hold. We shared our bounty between the two families. That was provision one.

The very next day we came to a big paper sign on the side of the house saying: “Look around the corner.” To our complete surprise, there were three huge boxes of groceries. Some cans and bottles had labels we had never seen before. Though we tried to find our benefactors to thank them, we were unsuccessful. God is truly amazing.

Nashville, Tennessee, USA
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PICTURES: Sally and Brian and their grandchildren: From left are Lincoln (10), Jagger (6), Ryker (nearly 3), Niko (8), and Jaedon (12).