By Nancy Campbell on Sunday, 16 September 2018
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


This beautiful decorated pillar reminds me of Psalm 144:12 where it says our daughters should be like pillars sculptured for a palace. Pillars are strong. They hold up the weight of a building. We train our daughters to be strong—physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. We want them to be strong in truth and their convictions, not lured in by the deceptions of this society. Do you notice in this picture that pillars are also beautifully decorated? Especially the pillars of a palace. God wants our daughters to be beautiful too. Inside and out. Embracing their femininity. Speaking and dressing beautifully, knowing they belong to royalty, for they are daughters of the King of kings. Inspire them to a state of royalty. #pillars #pillarsofapalace #dressmodestly #dressbeautifully #speakbeautifully #embracefemininity #gloryandbeauty #aboverubies