By Nancy Campbell on Saturday, 24 December 2022
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Hospitality should be part of our lives all through the year but Christmas is such a lovely time for special functions.

We have many traditional family functions which we love to celebrate. We love to celebrate Hanukkah and Christmas.
We don’t celebrate Christmas in a commercial way but love to take this time to meditate on the miraculous conception and birth of our Savior and to share special family times. Today we woke up to snow and minus 2 degrees. A freezing day but so blessed to have snow for Christmas.
Tonight we sang carols by candlelight in our home and sang them with all the gusto of our hearts, remembering again that Jesus came to this world in such humility, entering as a seed into the womb of a woman and yet He is King of kings and Lord of lords.
Come thou long-expected Jesus,
All creation groans for Thee,
We all yearn for Thy appearing,
When Thy glory we shall see.
As the wise men and the shepherds
Bowed before Thee as Thou lay,
So all men from every nation
Shall all bow on that great Day!