By Nancy Campbell on Thursday, 09 October 2014
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


We are encouraged in Jude 1:20, 21 to "KEEP OURSELVES" in the love of God. God wants to pour out His love and blessing upon us, but we have to make sure we stay under the fountain where God can pour out His blessing.

If we are married and are blessed with children, God wants to pour out His blessing upon us in the home. We embrace His sovereign plan and are in the perfect will of God as we mother our children in the home. Because this is God's plan from eternity, this is where He pours out His blessing. Our responsibility is to keep ourselves in the place where we can receive God's blessings.

It is possible to be in the home and yet far away in spirit, thinking we would rather be doing something else, something more rewarding and prestigious for it is always greener on the other side of the fence. But let's keep under the fountain--in mind, body, and spirit.

It's the same with a marriage. We can live together and yet be far apart through indifference, insubmission, or even rebellion. A wife could think, "Well, he's a bit of a jerk, but I'll put up with him for the sake of the children." This attitude already begins a separating spirit. Marriage is oneness. It's building a life together. It's making it happen even in the midst of hurts, disappointments, and difficulties. Just as God wants us to keep ourselves in His love, we should also seek to keep ourselves in our husband's love.

Don't let your marriage and your life in the home just run its course. When we do this, we are usually overcome by all the difficulties and disappointments of life. We have to KEEP OURSELVES in God's love, in our husband's love, and in the love of our nurturing anointing in the home where God has placed us.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell