By Nancy Campbell on Friday, 13 January 2023
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister of England, was known as THE IRON LADY, and yet she never wore pants!

Amanda Platell writes: “Back in 2001 I was William Hague's Press Secretary and, after giving me some salutary campaigning advice, the Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, took me to one side for a bit of woman-to-woman counsel. Looking at my trouser suit, she said: 'Never trousers, my dear. They rob a woman of her authority.'”
Why is it that women do not embrace their anointing and authority that God has given to them as women instead of borrowing it from men? Men have the authority God has given to them, but women have a feminine and powerful authority that God has given to them. We lose it when we take the man’s authority and dress like the man. Let’s embrace who we are.
~ Nancy