By Nancy Campbell on Tuesday, 08 November 2022
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


I usually do early voting but this year I decided to vote ON THE DAY. And I wish that I could vote with a paper ballot. We know that the dems will be doing everything they can to steal this election as they did last time, and machines cannot be trusted.

Even here in the mostly conservative state of Tennessee they have already had a problem with the machines in Davidson county with votes going into different counties. They have now sorted out the problem but could not fix the original problem so those illegal votes will still be counted!
Anyway, it is still most important to vote and trust that God will protect our votes. To not vote is to vote for evil.
It is amazing that 13 million evangelicals did not vote in the last election. That’s not 13,000 but 13 million! All these voices for righteousness stayed silent in their homes! No wonder we have lived under tyranny and continuing destruction of our economy and the godly values of our constitution for the last two years.
I believe God’s people have a responsibility to vote. We must be the light in the midst of the darkness (Matthew 14-16).
We must wave the banner of truth in the midst of deception (Psalm 60:4).
Don’t miss your opportunity today to stand up for truth and righteousness.
Every vote for the democratic party is a vote for abortion (even up to birth), continuing to advocate same-sex marriage, promoting transgenderism and the mutilating of young children’s bodies (even to making them eunuchs if that is their wish), the depopulating of the world down to 500 million, dictatorship instead of freedom, the shutting down of churches (as they tried to do during the plandemic), to silence the voice of truth and of the Christian population and so much more.
If you are happy for your children to grow up in this kind of world you will stay home, but if you want your children to live in a society of freedom of speech and religion on which this country was founded, you will make sure you vote for righteousness today.
Let’s rise and be the voice God wants us to be in the nation.
Many blessings,
Nancy Campbell