By Nancy Campbell on Friday, 31 July 2020
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


A message from Nathalie Norris in New Zealand:

“When I received my issues of Above Rubies, I was so delighted to see the package in my letterbox. I could not put the magazine down once I opened it. I have been getting them for well over 50 years!

“I identified with the article that you wrote in this latest one about setting the table. From when we were first married, and through the years of bringing up our family, we always sat down to a nicely and properly set table. To me, to meet around a table set nicely makes it a lovely meeting place to come together.

“Not long ago I invited my lovely 30-year-old granddaughter and her fiance in for an evening meal. When they came in the door and saw the table all set, I heard her say quietly, “Wow,” and she looked at me with a big smile. It set the evening off to be a lovely time.

“I had friends in not long ago for lunch and I had the table nicely set for them and the time together went really well. A nicely-set table shows we care about those who will be at the table with us.

“When the children were home, we never sat at the TV at mealtimes. He liked the table being set well for the meal. He insisted the butter knife was with the butter dish and a spoon was in the jam dish as he was bought up having meals around a set table too.

“I am a widow now but still set my meal place at the table. For us older women, it is a place and time we can use our nice things and also welcome people to our tables.

NathalieNorris * This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.