By Nancy Campbell on Tuesday, 25 September 2018
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


How do you feel about your home today? Do you LOVE being in your home? Or are you desperate to get out?

David “LOVED the habitation of God’s house” (Psalm 26:8). He passionately desired it. He vehemently delighted in it. “But he’s talking about God’s house, not my house,” you reply.

Two answers for you: Firstly, the word “habitation” is a Hebrew word that is used for God’s house and for houses of people. So, that means your house too.

Secondly. God no longer lives in a temple in Jerusalem. He now dwells in all who receive Him into their lives and who are born again by the Spirit of God. Our bodies are now the “Holy of Holies” of God (1 Corinthians 6;19). This is where He delights to dwell. And He loves to dwell in our homes. Therefore, your home is a habitation of God.

If God is the habitation of your home, don’t you love to be there? To be with God? We must get our thinking straight. We must think and speak the right words. Start your day acknowledging the truth. “Thank You, God, that You dwell in my home. I am living in Your habitation. I am Your habitation.”

Or confess: “I delight to be in my home today because God is here. Every mundane task is sacred because God is with me. No challenge is too big because God is with me. I LOVE being in my home with my children.”

David also confessed that he was “SATISFIED with the GOODNESS of God’s house” (Psalm 65:4). It’s good to be in God’s House. But that means, dear mother, it’s good to be in your home because your home is God’s home! Learn to be satisfied with the goodness of your home because God dwells in your home.

But there’s more. I love the way the Bible is filled with adjectives. The Bible not only talks about God’s goodness, but His GREAT GOODNESS (Nehemiah 9:25, 35; Psalm 145:7; Isaiah 63:7 and Zechariah 9:17). Goodness cannot fully describe the goodness of God. It needs more words. The adjective “great” means “abundant, exceedingly, mighty, plenteous, abounding, multitude.”

This is the kind of goodness God wants you to enjoy in your home, in your kitchen, with your children.

Be blessed in your home today.

Love from Nancy Campbell