By Nancy Campbell on Tuesday, 03 April 2012
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Read Colossians 2.7 and 1 Thessalonians 5:18 and say out loud, “I am thankful today.” Thank God for specific things for which you are thankful. Here are some things for which I am grateful.

T I thank God for Teaching me His ways
H I thank God for giving me my Husband
A I thank God for Anointing me to be a mother
N I thank God for creating me to be a Nurturer and Nourisher to my
K I thank God for His Kindness to me
F I thank God for my Family and His daily Faithfulness to me
U I thank God for giving me Understanding of His truth
L I thank God for Loving me enough to die for me and shed His
precious blood for my sins

Today, let’s take positive action to thank God for each little thing—the beauty of spring, the little joys of our children, or a kind word someone says to us.

Love from NANCY