By Nancy Campbell on Monday, 24 May 2021
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Words and ideas are indivisible with God. It is the same with us. Our ideas and thoughts about any issue determine what we confess about it. And get this. What we confess is how we live! Our confession determines our lifestyle.

What do you think about motherhood? What you think in your mind is what you’ll confess with your mouth.

Do you complain about mothering? Do you relegate it to something inferior? Or is your confession, "I LOVE MOTHERHOOD"? When you begin to confess that you love motherhood, you’ll find your attitude changes! The atmosphere in your home changes. Even your children’s behavior changes!

How do you think about your marriage? Do you complain to others about your husband? Do you speak disrespectfully about your marriage? Or do you confess wonderful things about your husband? It all depends on how you think. And what you think is what you’ll say. And what you say is how you’ll live. You either enjoy or endure your marriage according to your attitude and confession.

Let’s get our thinking straight. Not falling into fleshly feelings which are only temporary. Let’s gird up the loins of our mind and bring every thought into captivity to Christ. It’s a much more exciting, positive, and overcoming way to live.

Have a wonderful day,

Nancy Campbell