By Nancy Campbell on Thursday, 02 January 2014
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog

Here are some more great quotes from C. T. Studd.

"Lord, send us lion-hearted men
With good courageous habits
Who ne'er will run from the devil's gun
Like hares and bunny rabbits!"

"When we are in hand-to-hand conflict with the world, the flesh, and the devil himself, neat little Biblical confectionery is like shooting lions with a pea-shooter; God needs a man who will let go and deliver blows right and left as hard as he can hit, in the power of the Holy Ghost. Nothing but forked-lightning Christians will count."

"Some want to live
within the sound
of church or chapel bell;
I want to run
a rescue shop
within a yard of hell!"

"Genuine soldiers are heroes,
'Chocolate soldiers' are shams,
The soldiers of Jesus are lions,
Not hares or timid lambs."